Thursday, August 05, 2010


Memphis Gothic is now accepting fiction submissions from current and former Memphis area residents only. Please include with your electronic submission a statement describing your Memphis area contact, including where you lived and how long you lived here. Authors with a strong Memphis connection will be given more consideration than those who only spent a brief time living in the area.

Memphis Gothic also prefers stories with a strong Memphis, Mid-South, or Southern element, especially if the author does not currently live in the area. A regional element is not a requirement, but we do wish to offer a good mix of fiction featuring regional stories. We have a strong preference for Southern Gothic stories set in the Memphis area. Otherwise, we are open to good stories of any length in any genre, including horror, science fiction, detective/mystery, etc.

The Memphis and Mid-South region includes the following counties: TN - Shelby, Fayette, Tipton; MS - Desoto, Marshall, Tate, Tunica; AR - Crittendon

Memphis Gothic has no budget and therefore cannot offer payment for publication of your stories. Should a budget be magically bequeathed to us by a generous benefactor, this situation will change accordingly and after the celebration party. Until then, this blogazine is an occasstional labor of love.

Memphis Gothic exists to promote regional authors and their work. If you know or know of an author who has had fiction or poetry recently published, please let us know (with a link!) and we'll post a note about it.

Send your fiction submissions and author news to jeffdotcrookat

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